We have a great team, working together to build two brands - NetRex and CamStreamer. We are growing all the time! Our success is based on the fact that both companies are founded on an interesting and unique product which fall under the care of our in-house development team.

We are outward-looking and internationally minded, always looking for new colleagues to join us on our journey. Our impressive development team work to overcome fascinating technical challenges which haven’t been solved by anyone else in the IP camera sector. What’s more, we plan to enter the global market with a new brand and additional product which has the potential to be extremely successful. Will you help us achieve this?


We are not a directionless startup. We know where we’re headed and we’re looking for people to come with us on that journey.

Our three main products/brands are the following:


In operation since 2006, NetRex is a cloud video platform offering surveillance services, analytics tools for retailers, time-lapse videos and more. NetRex is a successful brand in the Czech Republic and across Central and Eastern Europe.


In 2014 we came up with the idea of streaming directly from a camera to YouTube. Today, CamStreamer offers various other applications which work with video inside of a camera and are sold around the world (mainly to the US).

Our third brand is currently in the pipeline - to enter the global market. It’s not simply an idea, but a project which we’ve been working on for some time. We are looking for more people to come help us with this, is that you?


What’s great about our company?

Cool people

“We managed to bring together a great team of people, thanks to whom we’ve gradually launched a range of interesting cloud video services and camera applications, supplying thousands of customers around the globe. For example, at NetRex we have customers who’ve been with us for more than 10 years so we must be doing something right!”

David Capoušek


Technical challenges

“We are proud of the fact that our talented development team are able to overcome interesting technical challenges that no-one else has been able to manage in the IP camera world. I like that we get feedback directly from the user. We know that our application makes their job easier.”

Jan Zimmermann

Head of Development



We are a team that cares about its products. In addition to a talented product and development team we have a committed help desk who work hard to keep our customers happy. We also want to ensure that the world knows about the work our colleagues do, and for that reason we have a marketing and sales team. Each one of these departments is in need of a new face, is that you?

Job vacancies: